We prioritise quality...
In Pelayo Agronomy we make high quality Soya and Wheat seeds, ready to use, with standards higher than the current rules of seed marketing, with processes framed within a quality management under ISO 9001 standards. With this, we help producers to improve the efficiency of their crops, making sowing efficient and safe, both for people and the environment. We designed and implemented a state-of-the-art plant for the classification and professional treatment of seeds, with all the resources focused on the final quality, but without losing sight, at any time, of the different steps to achieve a differential product. The process begins when the raw material enters the seedbed. We have different machines that classify the seed by three attributes: Shape, Size and Specific Weight, selecting the best seeds. Subsequently, we place the best terápicos (Fungicides, Inoculants and Insecticides) on the seed, obtaining a quality product ready for use. We generate added value for the community, we give the peace of mind that we are a company that manages quality and safety, within the framework of current legislation and in compliance with regulatory bodies.
We are ISO 9001 Certified
Our plant in America is ISO 9001:2015 certified. It is the basis of the Quality Management System. It is an international standard that focuses on all the elements of quality management that a company must have in order to have an effective system that allows it to manage and improve the quality of its products or services. We receive annual audits.
We select the best plots and plant the recommended varieties for a successful crop.
We carry out strict monitoring controls throughout the crop cycle.
We pay special attention to harvesting, with the aim of reducing seed damage during harvesting.
The first quality control of the seed is carried out in the field by our specialised team.
The seed that passes the previous control is taken to the plant and a second quality control is carried out there. If it does not meet the parameters, it is marketed as grain.
If it passes the minimum quality standards (bedbug, mechanical damage, heat and climate shock, varietal purity, etc.), it is stored in silos.
We carry out Germination Power (PG) and Cold Test (CT) analyses.
We classify the seeds with state-of-the-art machines.
The seed is classified by: Specific weight, Shape and Size.
We evaluate the PG and CT results with standards established by INSASE and Don Mario.
The seed receives the indicated treatment.
The seed is bagged.
The seed is delivered to the client.